Jessica Jolly is a Microsoft Certified Trainer who helps businesses, non-profits and individuals improve their business intelligence skills, bit by byte. She runs her own business, ALT-Enter, LLC. Before her reinvention as an entrepreneur (after 50!), she worked for Unilever, a global consumer products company, for 27 years, in a variety of managerial roles.
Her business practice focuses on data visualization tools, specifically Microsoft’s Power BI platform. She is living proof that you can cry through every math class you ever had, and still fashion a career that focuses on data, charts, visuals, and code.
When she is not training other adults, she is volunteering at her local public library, knitting (a refuge from all of the technology!), reading about the Civil War, swimming, or walking her dogs. (She has two terriers who need constant walking.)
She lives in Evanston, Illinois, with her husband of 30+ years (yes she was a child bride!) and her grown up daughter, who lives nearby.
She blogs at, tweets very occasionally at @JBJ2110. You can connect with her on Facebook at or on LinkedIn at .